We have approved the prices Yarra Valley Water can charge from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2028.
Yarra Valley Water price review 2023
- Guidance paper26 October 2021
- Yarra Valley Water price submission30 September 2022
- Consultation on price submission closes1 December 2022
- Draft decision20 December 2022
- Consultation on draft decision closes10 March 2023
- Final decision23 June 2023
- New prices apply1 July 2023
We have completed our review of the maximum prices and service levels to apply for Yarra Valley Water customers from 1 July 2023.
We conducted our assessment against a legal framework established by the Victorian Government and set out in the Water Industry Regulatory Order (PDF), and the commission’s PREMO pricing framework.
You can find out more on how we engaged on this review at Engage Victoria. You can also view our final decision media release.
View our final decision and price determination
Key facts

Typical water and sewerage bills will rise from 1 July 2023
Typical annual residential owner occupier water and sewerage bills for 2023-24 will be $1,049 (including inflation), a 2 percent increase from $1,028 in 2022-23

Yarra Valley Water will combine the sewage disposal and water usage charges for residential customers.

Six outcome commitments
Yarra Valley Water worked with its customers to develop outcomes, with accompanying measures and targets to track its performance each year.
Yarra Valley Water’s outcome commitments to its customers are:
- Safe and pleasant drinking water
- Reliable water and sewerage services
- Timely response and repair
- Service that meets everyone’s needs
- Saving water for the future
- Looking after our natural environment.
Read our fact sheet on the final decision
Consultation on our draft decision
We consulted on our draft decision between 20 December and 10 March 2023. All feedback received informed our decision making process.
- We received three public submissions and one confidential submission.
- We held an online public forum on 23 February 2023 attended by 37 people, including members of the public, representatives from the water business and commission staff.
- Yarra Valley Water provided two responses to our draft decision.
Topics of discussion during the forum included:
- price elasticity and the impact of price reduction on water usage
- actions taken to return water back to the rivers
- proposed rebate payment back to customers
The recording of this forum can be accessed below.
The public submissions received are available in the resources tab of this page.
Find out more
Read about how we regulate the water sector or contact us for more information.
Our final decision and price determination
Submissions on Yarra Valley Water draft decision
Feedback on Yarra Valley Water price submission
We consulted on Yarra Valley Water's price submission until 1 December 2022 mostly via Engage Victoria. We received 6 submissions including 1 confidential submission. Submissions included feedback on proposed prices, proposed outcomes and waterways management.
We consider all feedback in our draft decision on Yarra Valley Water's proposals.
See our Submissions Policy for how we approach anonymous and confidential submissions.
Our guidance to Yarra Valley Water on preparing its price submission.
Interactive fact sheet
In June 2023 the Essential Services Commission released its final decision on Yarra Valley Water’s price submission. The final decision completes our review of the maximum prices that Yarra Valley Water may charge for its services for a five-year regulatory period from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2028.