We regulate participants and products in the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program to deliver energy efficiency improvements which are more affordable for consumers, and reduces their long term energy consumption.
Victorian Energy Upgrades program
The Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program reduces greenhouse gases by providing access to discounted energy efficient products and services.
We regulate participants and products to provide confidence in the benefits delivered to consumers and a balanced, transparent and efficient program for participants.
Information for accredited persons or prospective accredited persons.
Learn about the energy efficiency activities that create Victorian energy efficiency certificates (VEECs).
Information for current and prospective accredited persons, energy retailers and product applicants.
View the latest program updates and presentations, read about our reports and reviews, and access our activity registers and VEEC calculator.
Find out how the VEU program can help you save energy in your home or workplace.
Find an accredited provider to do an upgrade in your home or business.
Featured work

From 1 August 2024, doorknocking is banned under the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program. This follows the ban on ‘cold-call' telemarketing from 1 May 2024 to protect Victorian consumers from unwanted marketing visits and phone calls to their homes and businesses about the program.
Search for an accredited provider who can help you access discounts for energy-efficient products under the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program.
Our registers provide information about program participants and activities undertaken in the program. Accredited persons can also access the VEEC calculator to find out how many certificates their energy efficiency upgrade can generate.
Latest updates
We have updated Victorian Energy Upgrades program documents to reflect co-payment and warranty requirements for water heating (activities 1, 3 and 44), space heating and cooling (activity 6) and cold room (activity 43) activities commencing on 1 February.
We have also made a minor update to the activity guide for induction cooktop activity (activity 46) and to VEEC creation forms for the low flow shower rose activity (activity 17).
Clarifying appropriate use of Victorian Government, VEU and Essential Services Commission logos, and images of parliamentarians by VEU industry participants.