Get an energy-saving product approved and listed on the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) Register of Products.
VEU product applicants
All products to be installed under the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program needs to be listed in our Register of Products by the time Victorian energy efficiency certificates (VEECs) are created.
This usually involves a product application and approval process. The exceptions to this are certain Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (GEMS) listed products, approved products for public lighting upgrade activity (AEMO) and gas efficiency products.
Get a product listed on our Register of Products
To get a product approved by us and added to the Register of Products, submit an application through your online VEU administrative account.
If you do not have one, you can open a new VEU administrative account. Application must be supported by the correct documentary evidence. See the relevant product guides for details.
Access the product application guide and detailed product guides, via the product application resources tab, for guidance on how to apply and evidentiary requirements.
From 1 July 2023, a $500 application fee applies to list a product on the Essential Services Commission Register. For further information, please refer to the VEU program fees page.
Product nominations
We may have a long queue of products to assess at any given point in time. We have established a nomination system to help prioritise the products most likely to be installed under the program.
Any person accredited for a particular program activity can submit a product nomination for products they intend to install as part of that activity.
Nominations can be made through your VEU administrative account. When an accredited person submits a product application related to an activity that they are approved to undertake, the product is automatically nominated.
Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards products
Certain products listed on the GEMS register are eligible for certificate creation under the program upon installation, even if not listed on our Register of Products. These include:
- refrigerators and freezers
- televisions
- clothes dryers
- electric motors
- refrigerated cabinets.
However, all products must be recorded in our Register of Products to enable certificate creation in the VEU Registry. You can request for us to list a GEMS-listed product on our register with minimal supporting documentation using the product application process.
Approved products for public lighting upgrade activity
For products to be installed under the public lighting upgrade activity, the product either needs to be a listed on the AEMO load table or approved by us.
Given the specialised nature of this activity, we require accredited persons (or any other interested stakeholder) to submit an application to us for inclusion of AEMO approved products on our register. Minimal supporting documentation is required.
Product application resources
Application guide
Space conditioning and water efficiency products
Water heating and space heating/cooling products
Guide to be used to apply for approval for commercial and industrial air source heat pump water heater product for use under both the VEU program and New South Wales' Energy Savings Scheme ((VEU product category 44A-C and ESS activity definition F16/17)
Application form to be used for commercial and industrial heat pump water heater (VEU product category 44A-C and/or ESS activity definition F16/17)
Specifications sheet to be used for commercial and industrial heat pump water heater (VEU product category 44A-C and ESS activity definition F16/17) product applications