Our annual work program outlines our priorities and activities for the year
Work programs
We promote the long-term interests of Victorian consumers, having regard to the price, quality and reliability of essential services as required by our overarching legislation, the Essential Services Commission Act 2001.
We are pleased to present the summary of our annual operational plan. It identifies key projects for the year as well as indicative timeframes for the release of public reports and decisions.
We have developed plans that align with the goals and priorities of our 3-year strategy, the requirements of our legislation, and meet the requirements of the Statement of Expectations issued by the Assistant Treasurer.
View our stakeholder engagement framework to read more about what you can expect of us as we engage to make decisions in our role as Victoria's regulator of essential services.
Our vision: Better essential services for Victorian communities

Our strategy
To achieve our vision, we will:
- be a strong and fair regulator
- be an active regulator
- create incentives for regulated businesses to provide value to customers
- deliver value to Victorian consumers.

Our 2024-25 priorities
Our 2024-25 priorities are to:
- Set efficient prices for essential services that promote the long-term interests of Victorian consumers
- Effectively administer the Victorian Energy Upgrades program
- Be a strong cop on the beat across Victoria's energy sector and the Victorian Energy Upgrades program
- Explore new ways of having regulated entities support consumers
- Invest in our technology to deliver value to the community