In 2024–25 we are focusing on promoting transparency and competition in the Victorian energy market to better serve the long-term interests of consumers.
Our energy compliance and enforcement priorities
Our compliance and enforcement priorities in energy for 2024-25 will focus on:

Disconnections for non-payment
Electricity and gas are essential services. Consumers should only ever be disconnected by an energy retailer as a last resort for non-payment of a bill.

Payment difficulty framework
Energy retailers are required to provide assistance to customers who are anticipating or experiencing difficulty paying their bills.
We will focus on making sure customers are provided with all their minimum entitlements. This includes practical assistance to reduce their energy usage and to access concessions and the Utility Relief Grant Scheme.

Protecting customers experiencing vulnerability
Our enduring priority is to help Victorians experiencing vulnerability to access essential services, especially those who are affected by family violence, or are experiencing payment difficulty.

Statutory land access powers
We will monitor and promote compliance with new rules regarding statutory land access by electricity transmission businesses under the Land Access Code of Practice.

Consumer protections during widespread unplanned outages and emergency management
Distributors must provide reliable and timely information to customers during power outages and emergency events. We will monitor and promote compliance by distributors in providing reliable and timely information about outages and supply restoration time frames.

Gas connection abolishment
We will monitor and promote compliance with new rules, including gas connection abolishment requirements, under the Gas Distribution Code of Practice. It is important consumers understand the process to have their gas supply abolished.